| News,

older adult woman drinking coffee at risk for social isolation textOlder adults can be at risk for social isolation — having fewer meaningful and supportive interactions with people on a regular basis.

Having fewer connections is made worse by loneliness, which is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as feeling sad at being apart from people. Social isolation and loneliness can be especially hard for seniors in West Central Missouri.

Studies are showing negative health implications of these two conditions in combination. Luckily, there are also hope and resources available within the Care Connection 13-county territory.

What are the risks associated with social isolation and loneliness?

Emotional pain is very real. According to the National Institute on Aging, scientific studies show associations between social isolation and heart disease, as well as increased inflammation, depression, cognitive decline, and longer hospital stays.

In fact, an AARP Foundation study says social isolation that lasts for a long time is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day! If you are a caregiver or have aging parents, you may have noticed warning signs.

The symptoms of social isolation include:

  • Feeling mistrustful of others.
  • Staying sedentary.
  • Sleeping too much or too little.
  • Poor diet and lifestyle choices such as an increase in drinking or smoking.

Care Connection offers great ways to overcome social isolation.

There is good news if you are concerned about the negative effects of social isolation and loneliness! As West Central Missouri’s Area Agency on Aging, Care Connection offers many programs to improve physical and mental health as part of a social isolation care plan.

Need support services? Click here >

Find your nearest Care Connection Senior Center >

Have lunch with friends!

We recommend that seniors try to stay active and connect with other people at our local senior centers. It’s easy to plan a daily or weekly lunch at your nearest center.

You’ll enjoy our nutritious meals that taste great. We strive to serve delicious meals that meet older Americans’ dietary requirements.

People older than 60 can eat at senior centers for a contribution toward the total cost of the meal. The suggested contribution in most centers is about $5 to $6.

You will see people you might know and have the chance to meet new friends. There is nothing better than visiting with people who are in similar stages of their lives.

Wellness programs help you stay accountable to friends.

In addition to meals, you’ll also find fun, evidence-based wellness programs and valuable education programs at Care Connection’s senior centers. We know it can be hard to even think about getting out the door if you are feeling blue, but the rewards are well worth the effort!

Our events calendar has options for you to take part in from across our 13-county territory. Join us online or in person this week >

New technology brings people to you via phone or computer.

We understand that nothing replaces face-to-face interactions. Phone calls and new video conferencing tools like Zoom or FaceTime are just not the same, but they are certainly better than nothing.

Care Connection offers regularly scheduled wellness programs online, and they are faithfully attended by homebound seniors. This is a wonderful way to take part in proven fitness programs, no matter where you are.

Help others to reduce social isolation.

Volunteering is another way to increase the number of people with whom you interact. Perhaps you might like to make regular social reassurance phone calls to a list of people or help at your local senior center.

It’s funny how we might want to do for others before we do for ourselves, isn’t it? Put your time and talents to work helping at Care Connection!

Learn more about the benefits of volunteering with Care Connection >

See what’s going on at Care Connection!

Interact with Care Connection Senior Centers on Facebook! Our agency page is https://www.facebook.com/goaging.org, and there you’ll find information on our support services and other positive opportunities that can make you feel included.

Follow each of our 20 senior centers Facebook pages, and you’ll see lunch menus, learn about fun activities, and laugh at the cute, silly photos of your friends. Here are all our Senior Center Facebook pages >

Text messages are also great way to stay in touch with us! Sign up for text messaging sent directly to your cell phone, and get information on in-person events and healthy activities.

To start getting texts, simply fill out a form on a web page, then confirm your enrollment to get signed up for new Care Connection text messages. Learn more here >

Our team also puts together Cabin Fever Cures, which are weekly puzzles designed to keep your mind active. The content ranges from crosswords, word searches, cryptograms, word fill-ins to sudokus, doodles, articles and recipes based around fun, fresh topics.

People tell us they love Cabin Fever Cures and read every issue! Cabin Fever Cures is available on our website, at the Senior Centers, on Facebook, by mail, by email and included with our home-delivered meals.

As America ages in the face of tough social challenges, it’s crystal clear that people need people now more than ever. Care Connection is proud to have served our communities since 1973, and we look forward to continuing our mission to provide opportunities to create positive aging experiences.


