
Event Series Beginner’s Tai Chi

Beginner’s Tai Chi


Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention is an ancient Chinese meditation exercise that feature slow precise movements to improve balance, strength, flexibility, and mobility. This eight week course will walk you through all forms step by step.  After completing this course, participants will be ready to join our weekly Tai Chi sessions. This class […]

Tai Chi


Ancient Chinese meditation exercise features slow, precise movements. Improves balance, mobility, strength, and flexibility, decreases pain, and helps prevent falls. Not for beginners. Classes will be live and virtual from Warrensburg Senior Center starting March 15. For more information call 1-800-748-7826 or email information@goaging.org Disclaimer: Individuals should seek medical evaluation and clearance from a doctor before […]

Exercise with Bobbie


Helps to increase strength, improve flexibility and balance, boost activity levels, and elevate mood. Disclaimer: Individuals should seek medical evaluation and clearance from a doctor before beginning any exercise regimen. All activities should be carried out at a pace and intensity that is comfortable for the individual.

Event Series Drums Alive

Drums Alive


Drums Alive A Whole Brain and Body Workout Supplies required: While the usual kit for Drums Alive includes a Yoga ball, bucket, and drum sticks; with enough imagination, anything can work for this class! Wooden spoons and a sturdy chair? Perfect! Grab some sticks and find a great drumming surface and you're all set! This […]



EnhanceFitness is an arthritis-friendly, group fitness activity and falls prevention program. Research has shown that EnhanceFitness can improve the physical, emotional, and social health of older adults. Each class will include warm-up, aerobics, and cool-down activities as well as strength, balance, and flexibility training. Participants will need a sturdy, straight-back armless chair, and adjustable ankle […]

Event Series Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter


The Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder program for women is based on research that doing certain exercises and making certain diet changes improve bladder and bowel health.  The activities in this workshop are based on scientific evidence on how people can make changes to improve their health.  This workshop is designed to empower […]

Event Series Beginner’s Tai Chi

Beginner’s Tai Chi


Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention is an ancient Chinese meditation exercise that feature slow precise movements to improve balance, strength, flexibility, and mobility. This eight week course will walk you through all forms step by step.  After completing this course, participants will be ready to join our weekly Tai Chi sessions. This class […]

Tai Chi


Ancient Chinese meditation exercise features slow, precise movements. Improves balance, mobility, strength, and flexibility, decreases pain, and helps prevent falls. Not for beginners. Classes will be live and virtual from Warrensburg Senior Center starting March 15. For more information call 1-800-748-7826 or email information@goaging.org Disclaimer: Individuals should seek medical evaluation and clearance from a doctor before […]

Exercise with Bobbie


Helps to increase strength, improve flexibility and balance, boost activity levels, and elevate mood. Disclaimer: Individuals should seek medical evaluation and clearance from a doctor before beginning any exercise regimen. All activities should be carried out at a pace and intensity that is comfortable for the individual.

Zumba Gold


We take the “work” out of workout, by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Once the Latin and World rhythms take over, you'll see why Zumba® Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise. You don’t need any dancing ability, and exercises can be done seated or standing. Super […]

Chair Yoga


Yoga is beneficial to the body and the mind. Chair yoga is a variation of traditional yoga and can safely improve our health. Chair yoga is an excellent way to gently loosen and stretch painful muscles and improve circulation. It is gentle, focusing on increasing flexibility, strengthening the body, calming the mind and enhancing range […]




EnhanceFitness is an arthritis-friendly, group fitness activity and falls prevention program. Research has shown that EnhanceFitness can improve the physical, emotional, and social health of older adults. Each class will include warm-up, aerobics, and cool-down activities as well as strength, balance, and flexibility training. Participants will need a sturdy, straight-back armless chair, and adjustable ankle […]